Type II Diabetes is also called "non-insulin-dependent" diabetes. It was previously called adult-onset diabetes, ketosis-resistant diabetes, or stable diabetes.

Type II Diabetes is most commonly associated with obesity. In a study in 1991, just 12% of the US population was considered obese, by 1998 it was an astonishing 20%.

Many persons with Type II Diabetes can control their disease by diet alone and may not need to take insulin. Their diet usually should limit sugars or simple carbohydrates and increases the amount of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats. The diet helps to keep the level of sugar in the blood stable.

Exercise is particularly important for people with Type II Diabetes. For many of them, exercise helps lower blood-sugar levels and burns calories that would otherwise be stored as excess weight. Exercise is a valuable tool for preventing heart disease. Exercise also improves the blood flow through small blood vessels, increases the heart's ability to pump, helps burn excess calories, and relieves tension, anxiety, and depression. If you are overweight (which usually 9 out of 10 people with type II diabetes are), an exercise diet plan can help you lose weight.

Your health care provider or a personal trainer is in the best position to help you decide when you should exercise, what kind of program to use and how much exercise is best for you. Even after you begin an exercise regimen, you should not exercise if your blood-sugar control is poor.

The next step is to select an exercise regimen that would be fun for you. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program, especially because you do run a higher risk for heart disease. If you use insulin or oral diabetes medication, you should know your blood-sugar level before you start exercising and again when you are finished training. If your levels are low, you will need a snack before you begin.

Hire a trained professional with experience such as a certified personal fitness trainer and allow him/her to set up your program. Begin gradually and increase your work-out time. Your goal will be to exercise a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes and a maximum of 45 to 60 minutes per session and at least 3 or 4 times per week. Be consistent and exercise at the same time and same intensity every day. A good time for you to exercise (with this condition) is 15 to 30 minutes after a meal, when the blood-sugar level is elevated. Do not exercise strenuously in the late evening, since your blood sugar continues to fall hours after completing your exercise.

Every exercise program should have a short warm-up and a cool-down period to slowly stretch and energize the muscles and then to slowly decrease the intensity and speed before stopping completely. Never skip the warm-up and cool-down periods. Take your pulse before starting any exercise program and retake your pulse before and after cool down. Your pulse should have increased before cool down and decreased after it. Let your personal trainer help you determine your target heart rates and show you how to take your pulse.


NOTE:  This site and the information provided herein is for informational purposes only. Neither it nor the content are designed to diagnose, treat, or cure any problem. You should contact your physician for further information, diagnosis, testing, or advice on how to use the information listed in this site. Before beginning any exercise program or eating modifications, always consult your physician first.